Embark on an Incredible Journey: The Lares Trek to Machu Picchu.

Lares Trek to Machu Picchu 4 days

Lares Trek

Unveil the Best Kept Secret of the Andes: Set Off on the 4-Day Lares Trek Adventure to Uncover its Wonders!

Lares Trek to Machu Picchu is a premier adventure and travel company located in the heart of Peru. Our 4-day trekking tour takes you on a journey through the breathtaking Lares Valley, known for its stunning landscapes and traditional Andean villages. As you embark on this once-in-a-lifetime experience, you’ll be accompanied by knowledgeable guides who will share fascinating insights about the region’s history and culture.

Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with friendly locals, try delicious Peruvian cuisine, and soak in natural hot springs. And of course, the highlight of the trek will be reaching the ancient Incan citadel of Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. With our expertly curated itinerary and top-notch accommodations, we strive to provide our guests with an unforgettable adventure that combines physical challenge with cultural immersion. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a novice explorer, let Lares Trek to Machu Picchu guide you on an unforgettable journey through Peru’s spectacular landscape and rich heritage.

Book your trip now and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

From Hotel to Hotel

Best Trek to Machu Picchu
$ 470
  • Low-priced Trekking in Peru
  • Guaranteed Departure
  • Small groups

Important Info About 4-Day Lares Trek to Machu Picchu

Additional Info About 4-Day Lares Trek to Machu Picchu

Before embarking on your trekking adventure, you will meet with our Trekking Operations Manager for an extensive briefing. The route, safety procedures, and health issues will be discussed in detail, and you will have enough time to ask any remaining questions. Your trekking gear will be inspected to ensure you have everything you need to be safe and comfortable. If you are missing any gear, you can rent it from us.

During your LARES TREK, you will only carry a small backpack with essentials such as water for the day’s hike. Our horses will carry all the equipment, food, and additional luggage.

Our permanent mountain guides will lead the way. They are responsible for your safety and will encourage you, lend a helping hand, and call off the trek if necessary due to weather, altitude sickness, or injury. Your safety is paramount to us. Most of our mountain guides have been part of our team for many years, and they have been to Machupicchu hundreds of times. They all receive regular training, so you are in good hands.

Our cooks are miracle workers. With simple gas cookers, they conjure up 3-course feasts, hot drinks, and snacks to revive and nourish you when you need it most. Drinking water is sourced from mountain streams and is boiled before you drink it.

On LARES TREK to Machupicchu, you will sleep in high-quality two-person tents that will be pitched and taken down by our team of porters. When you arrive at camp after a long day’s hike, your tent will already be waiting for you. Although there are no showers on the camping routes, you will be provided with a bowl of hot water in the morning to start the day fresh.

Nestled in the vibrant town of Aguas Calientes, the gateway to the majestic Machu Picchu, lies the Hotel Yanay Collection. This exclusive hotel offers travelers a serene retreat after a day of exploration. With rooms designed to envelope guests in comfort and tranquility, each window frames a view of the rushing rivers and lush, terraced mountainsides that define this iconic region. The Hotel Yanay Collection goes beyond simply providing a place to rest; it offers an immersive experience. Savor gourmet cuisine prepared with local ingredients, rejuvenate in the spa inspired by ancient Incan rituals, and enjoy tailor-made excursions that promise to enrich your adventure. At Hotel Yanay, every detail is carefully curated to ensure your stay is not just memorable, but transformational, allowing deep connections with the beauty and mysticism of Aguas Calientes.

The ideal time to hike the Lares Trek is between May and October, when the weather is most favorable. During these months, trekkers can enjoy clear skies and milder temperatures, making the journey not only more comfortable but also offering unobstructed views of the majestic landscapes. Although nights can be cold, the days are usually warm and sunny, perfect for exploring the natural beauty and engaging with the local communities. Keep in mind, however, that these are also peak months for tourism in Peru. Planning your trek in advance can ensure you experience the Lares Trail’s unique blend of adventure, culture, and breathtaking scenery with minimal crowds, for a truly memorable experience.

 When preparing for the Lares Trek, it is crucial to pack appropriately and prepare yourself physically. With varying altitudes, challenging terrain and unpredictable weather conditions, proper gear and physical fitness are essential to conquer this adventure. Our expert guides offer valuable advice on what to bring and how to train, ensuring you have everything you need to make the most out of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Transportation to the starting point of the Lares Trek is usually included in the tour package. Depending on the operator, this may involve a combination of private vehicles and public transportation. It’s important to clarify the details with your tour operator to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey.

Accommodation during the trek can vary from camping to rustic lodges or homestays in local communities. While camping is a common option, some trekkers prefer the cultural experience of staying with local families. It’s important to discuss your preferences with your tour operator and ensure that the chosen accommodation aligns with your expectations.

Embarking on the Lares Trek is an exciting adventure, but it’s important to consider its difficulty level before setting off. The trek presents several challenges that will test both your physical stamina and mental resilience. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can conquer these obstacles and have a rewarding trekking experience.

The Lares Trek is rated as moderately difficult, making it accessible to a wide range of hikers. It is not as demanding as the renowned Inca Trail, but it still requires a reasonable level of fitness and endurance. The trek involves hiking at high altitudes, navigating steep and uneven terrains, and enduring variable weather conditions. Trekkers should be prepared for long, challenging days and be familiar with basic hiking techniques.

Altitude sickness is a common concern for hikers on the Lares Trek. The trail reaches elevations of over 4,000 meters (13,000 feet), which can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and shortness of breath. It’s crucial to acclimatize properly before starting the trek, allowing your body to adjust to the high altitude gradually. Staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol and strenuous activity, and taking it slow are essential precautions to prevent altitude-related issues.

«The Lares Trek provided a good balance between challenge and reward. The steep ascents and descents definitely tested my endurance, but the breathtaking views and cultural encounters made it all worth it.» – Sarah, experienced trekker

Challenges Tips for Success
High altitude – Acclimatize before starting the trek
– Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol
– Take it slow and listen to your body
Steep and uneven terrain – Wear sturdy and comfortable hiking boots
– Use trekking poles for stability
– Take regular breaks to rest and catch your breath
Variable weather conditions – Pack layers of clothing for temperature changes
– Carry a waterproof and windproof jacket
– Protect yourself from the sun with a hat and sunscreen
Long and challenging hikes – Train beforehand with regular cardiovascular exercise
– Practice hiking on inclines and declines
– Build up your endurance gradually

It’s important to note that hiring a knowledgeable and experienced guide can greatly enhance your Lares Trek experience. They will not only ensure your safety but also provide valuable insights into the culture, history, and natural wonders that you encounter along the trail.

With these tips in mind, you’re well-equipped to take on the Lares Trek and conquer its challenges. Remember to respect the environment and fellow trekkers, and embrace the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing this unforgettable journey.

The Lares Trek is not just an adventure through the stunning landscapes of Peru, but also a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich Andean culture. Along the trail, you’ll encounter various cultural highlights that offer a deeper understanding of the local communities and their traditions.

Visits to Local Villages

One of the most enriching aspects of the Lares Trek is the chance to visit local villages nestled in the heart of the Andes. These villages provide a glimpse into the daily lives of the indigenous people who have resided in these remote areas for generations.

«I was fascinated by the warmth and hospitality of the local communities we encountered along the Lares Trek. Interacting with the villagers and witnessing their traditional way of life was truly inspiring.» – Emily, Trekker

As you explore these villages, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with the locals, learn about their customs, and gain insights into their ancient traditions. From participating in traditional textile weaving demonstrations to learning about natural medicinal practices, these encounters are bound to leave a lasting impression.

Interactions with Indigenous Communities

The Lares Trek also offers trekkers the chance to interact with indigenous communities along the trail. These interactions provide a unique opportunity to learn about the customs, beliefs, and ancestral knowledge of the local people.

Whether it’s joining a traditional ceremony or sharing a meal with a local family, these authentic experiences foster a deep connection with the Andean culture and create lasting memories.

Experiencing Traditional Customs and Traditions

Throughout the Lares Trek, you’ll have the chance to witness and partake in various traditional customs and rituals. From traditional music and dance performances to ancient ceremonies dedicated to Mother Earth (Pachamama), these cultural displays showcase the vibrant heritage of the Andean people.

By being a part of these rituals, you’ll gain a newfound appreciation for the spiritual connection that exists between the local communities and their natural surroundings.

Cultural Highlight Description
Visits to Local Villages Explore remote Andean villages, interact with locals, and learn about traditional practices.
Interactions with Indigenous Communities Engage with indigenous communities, participate in ceremonies, and gain insights into their ancestral knowledge.
Experiencing Traditional Customs and Traditions Witness traditional music and dance performances, partake in ancient rituals, and experience the spirituality of the Andean people.

The Lares Trek is renowned not only for its cultural significance but also for its incredible biodiversity. As you embark on this trekking adventure, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a stunning natural environment teeming with a diverse array of flora and fauna.

Throughout the journey, you will encounter various ecosystems, each harboring unique species that have adapted to the rugged terrain of the Peruvian Andes. From lush valleys to high-altitude mountain passes, the Lares Trek offers a kaleidoscope of biodiversity, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.


The flora along the Lares Trek is characterized by its resilience and beauty. As you hike through different altitudes, you will witness a transition in vegetation, from colorful wildflowers and orchids in the lower valleys to tough shrubs and grasses in the high mountainous regions. The flora diversity is a testament to the pristine wilderness of this area.

  • The Queuña Tree: This native Andean tree species is a symbol of the region’s ecological resilience. Known for its ability to thrive in high-altitude conditions, the Queuña tree provides habitat for numerous wildlife species and helps preserve the fragile ecosystem.
  • Andean Lupine: With its vibrant purple and blue flowers, the Andean Lupine adds a splash of color to the trekking route. This beautiful wildflower is commonly found in the valleys and is known for its nitrogen-fixing properties, which contribute to soil fertility.
  • Puya Raymondi: Towering over the landscape, the Puya Raymondi is a giant bromeliad that can reach heights of up to 10 meters. Its towering flower spikes are a sight to behold, attracting nectar-loving birds and insects.


The Lares Trek is home to a remarkable variety of animal species, adapted to survive in the challenging high-altitude environment. As you traverse the trail, keep an eye out for sightings of these incredible creatures.

  • Andean Condor: With its massive wingspan, the Andean Condor is a majestic bird often spotted soaring through the skies above the deep canyons and towering peaks. Spotting this iconic symbol of the Andes is a truly memorable experience.
  • Vicuña: The smallest member of the camel family, the Vicuña is a gentle and graceful creature that roams freely in the Andean highlands. Known for its luxurious and highly valued wool, the Vicuña is a testament to the region’s deep-rooted textile traditions.
  • Andean Fox: This elusive carnivore can be spotted in the higher reaches of the trek, blending in with its surroundings. Known for its resourcefulness and adaptability, the Andean Fox is a rare sight but a true testament to the resilience of wildlife in the region.

Encountering these unique species and witnessing the delicate balance of the natural world along the Lares Trek serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of conservation efforts. It is essential that we continue to protect and preserve this biodiversity for future generations to enjoy.

If you’re deciding between the Lares Trek and the iconic Inca Trail, we’re here to help. Both routes offer unique experiences, but there are some key differences to consider. Let’s compare the Lares Trek and Inca Trail in terms of landscape, difficulty level, popularity, and overall experience, to help you make an informed decision for your adventure.


The Lares Trek takes you through stunning valleys, picturesque lakes, and remote Andean villages. You’ll be surrounded by breathtaking mountain peaks, vibrant flora, and awe-inspiring natural beauty. On the other hand, the Inca Trail boasts magnificent ruins, ancient stone pathways, and sweeping panoramic views of the Sacred Valley. It’s a journey through history and archaeological wonders.


The Lares Trek is considered a moderate to challenging trek, with elevations reaching up to 4,550 meters (14,924 feet). It involves steep ascents, descents, and uneven terrain. The Inca Trail is also challenging, but its difficulty lies mainly in the high altitude, with the highest pass reaching 4,215 meters (13,828 feet). Both treks require a reasonable level of fitness and acclimatization.


The Inca Trail is undoubtedly more popular and attracts a larger number of visitors each year. It’s often booked months in advance and requires permits. On the other hand, the Lares Trek offers a quieter and less crowded experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in nature and enjoy a more intimate journey.

Overall Experience:

The Lares Trek offers a unique cultural experience, providing opportunities to interact with local communities and learn about Andean traditions. You’ll have the chance to witness authentic daily life and experience the warmth of Peruvian hospitality. The Inca Trail, on the other hand, offers a deeply historical and archaeological journey, culminating in the awe-inspiring sight of Machu Picchu.

«The Lares Trek allowed us to connect with the local people, experience their customs, and gain an appreciation for their way of life. It felt like a personal and meaningful adventure.» – Maria, Adventurer

Ultimately, the choice between the Lares Trek and Inca Trail depends on your preferences and what you value most in a trekking experience. If you seek cultural immersion and a quieter journey through stunning landscapes, the Lares Trek may be the ideal choice. However, if you’re captivated by ancient history and iconic archaeological sites, the Inca Trail offers an unparalleled experience.

Lares Trek Inca Trail
Moderate to challenging Challenging
Less crowded More crowded
Immerse in Andean culture Explore ancient ruins
Stunning landscapes Sweeping panoramic views
Opportunities for community interaction Rich historical and archaeological significance

To trek on the Lares Trail, trekkers are required to obtain permits from the Peruvian government. These permits help manage the number of visitors and protect the natural and cultural heritage of the area. It’s essential to book your trek through a licensed tour operator who will handle the permit arrangements on your behalf.

It’s recommended to book your trek well in advance, especially if you plan to trek during peak seasons such as the dry months from May to September. This ensures that you secure the necessary permits and guarantees your spot on the trek.

As responsible travelers, it’s crucial to minimize our impact on the environment and support the local communities. When embarking on the Lares Trek, there are several tips and practices you can follow to ensure sustainable travel and promote responsible tourism.

1. Pack Light and Leave No Trace

When preparing for your trek, pack only the essentials and avoid unnecessary items. This not only reduces the weight you carry but also minimizes your carbon footprint. Additionally, be mindful of waste disposal and leave no trace behind. Dispose of your trash properly and respect the natural surroundings, leaving them as pristine as you found them.

2. Respect Local Culture

While passing through local communities along the Lares Trek, it’s important to respect their culture and traditions. Interact with locals in a respectful manner, learn from their customs, and follow any guidelines they provide. Remember that you are a guest in their home, and your actions should reflect cultural sensitivity.

«Traveling responsibly means embracing new cultures with respect and humility, understanding that our actions can leave a lasting impact on the communities we visit.» – Responsible Traveler

3. Support Local Communities

One of the best ways to contribute to the sustainability of the Lares Trek is to support local communities. Purchase souvenirs and handicrafts directly from local artisans, stay in locally-owned accommodations, and opt for authentic gastronomic experiences. By doing so, you empower the local economy and help preserve traditional livelihoods.

4. Choose Sustainable Tour Operators

Before booking your Lares Trek experience, research and select tour operators that prioritize sustainable practices. Look for companies that support local initiatives, employ local guides, and prioritize environmental conservation. By choosing responsible tour operators, you contribute to the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the region.

5. Share Your Experience Responsibly

After completing the Lares Trek, share your experience responsibly through social media and online platforms. Encourage sustainable travel practices, highlight the beauty of the region, and promote responsible tourism. Inspire others to travel responsibly and make a positive impact on the places they visit.

By following these tips and committing to sustainable travel practices, you can make a difference in preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the Lares Trek. Together, we can ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy this breathtaking adventure while protecting the environment and supporting local communities.

In conclusion, the Lares Trek to Machu Picchu is a remarkable adventure that combines breathtaking natural beauty, cultural immersion, and a sense of awe-inspiring wonder. This 4-day journey offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the Peruvian Andes and experience the rich Andean culture.

Whether you are drawn to the stunning vistas, the chance to interact with indigenous communities, or the opportunity to witness diverse flora and fauna, the Lares Trek has something to offer for every adventurer. It is a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with the raw beauty of nature.

As you plan your trip, it is important to carefully consider the logistics and challenges of the trek. Be sure to pack the necessary hiking equipment, plan for unpredictable weather conditions, and embrace the physical demands of the trail. These preparations will ensure a safe and fulfilling experience.

Embarking on the Lares Trek is not just a journey; it is a transformative experience that will leave you with lasting memories. So, lace up your boots, open your heart to new experiences, and let the Lares Trek take you on an unforgettable adventure to the magical Machu Picchu.

4-Day Lares Trek Location

4-Day Lares Trek Video


The Lares Trek is a 4-day hiking adventure in Peru that takes you through the beautiful Andean mountains to the iconic Machu Picchu. It offers a unique blend of stunning landscapes, rich cultural experiences, and encounters with diverse flora and fauna.

The Lares Trek itinerary typically includes visits to local villages, such as Huacahuasi and Ollantaytambo, where you can interact with indigenous communities and learn about their traditional way of life. The trek also takes you through breathtaking mountain passes, hot springs, and ends with a sunrise visit to Machu Picchu.

The best time to embark on the Lares Trek is during the dry season, which runs from May to September. During this time, you can enjoy clear skies and mild temperatures, making the trek more enjoyable. However, it’s important to note that the weather in the Andean mountains can be unpredictable, so be prepared for temperature fluctuations and pack accordingly.

The Lares Trek is considered moderately difficult. It involves hiking at high altitudes with steep ascents and descents, which can be physically challenging. It’s recommended to acclimatize to the altitude before starting the trek and maintain a good level of fitness. Hiring a local guide and taking breaks as needed are also helpful strategies to ensure a successful and enjoyable trek.

Some essential items to pack for the Lares Trek include sturdy hiking boots, comfortable clothing, a waterproof jacket, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a sleeping bag, a refillable water bottle, snacks, and a first aid kit. It’s also important to pack light and carry only the necessary items to avoid unnecessary weight on the trek.

The Lares Trek offers numerous cultural highlights, including visits to local Andean villages where you can interact with indigenous communities and learn about their unique customs and traditions. You may have the opportunity to witness traditional weaving demonstrations, participate in ancient ceremonies, and taste authentic Andean cuisine.

The Lares Trek showcases stunning vistas of the Peruvian Andes. You can expect breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, serene lakes, lush valleys, and vibrant landscapes. Some notable viewpoints along the trail include the Huillquijasa Pass and the Pumahuanca Pass, which provide panoramic views of the surrounding natural beauty.

The Lares Trek is known for its rich biodiversity. Along the trail, you may encounter a variety of flora and fauna, including high-altitude Andean flowers, unique bird species like the Andean condor and hummingbirds, and even the elusive spectacled bear. It’s important to respect and preserve the natural environment to protect these fragile ecosystems.

Trekkers who have experienced the Lares Trek have praised its stunning beauty, cultural immersion opportunities, and the sense of accomplishment upon reaching Machu Picchu. Many reviews highlight the warm hospitality of the local communities, the challenging yet rewarding nature of the trek, and the lasting memories created during the journey.

Both the Lares Trek and the Inca Trail offer unique experiences. While the Inca Trail is more popular and well-known, the Lares Trek provides a less crowded and off-the-beaten-path alternative. The Inca Trail is longer and involves more ancient ruins, while the Lares Trek focuses more on cultural encounters and captivating landscapes.

The cost of the Lares Trek can vary depending on factors such as the trekking company, the number of days, and the level of accommodation chosen. However, you can expect it to range from $500 to $1000 per person. Logistics involve obtaining permits, arranging transportation to the starting point, hiring a guide, and ensuring you have the necessary maps and equipment.

To practice sustainable travel on the Lares Trek, it’s important to respect the local culture and environment. Support local communities by purchasing handicrafts directly from artisans and engaging in responsible tourism activities. As for the environment, leave no trace by carrying out all trash, staying on designated trails, and conserving water and energy.